McGowan Institute
Regentys has worked with Dr. Stephen Badylak, DVM, PhD, MD and the University of Pittsburgh’s McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine to develop ExtraCellular Matrix Hydrogel. The McGowan Institute is a national center of expertise in regenerative medicine focused on developing and delivering therapies that reestablish tissue and organ function impaired by disease, trauma or congenital abnormalities. They foster the generation of scientific knowledge in regenerative medicine and share that knowledge with researchers, clinicians and engineers to pursue technologies related to regenerative medicine, and train a generation of clinicians in the implementation of regenerative therapies. The McGowan Institute also supports the commercialization of technologies in regenerative medicine to accelerate the translation of research discoveries to clinical implementation and patient benefit.
Learn more about the Institute

Stephen Badylak, MD, PhD, DVM
Stephen Badylak is a Professor in the Department of Surgery at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, a deputy director of the McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Director of the Center for Pre-Clinical Tissue Engineering within the Institute, and the immediate past President of TERMIS (Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society).
It is Dr. Badylak’s research that provides the cornerstone technology for Asana Medical’s UC Treatment.
Dr. Badylak is a Fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering, a charter member of the Tissue Engineering Society International and a member of the Society for Biomaterials. He serves on the editorial board of several scientific journals and has received many awards, including:
- Sigma Xi Scientific Society 2002 Research Award
- Pittsburgh Business Times Hero in Health Care Innovation & Research for 2005, the 2005 and 2008
- Carnegie Science Center Award for Excellence,
- 2005 Clemson Award from the Society for Biomaterials,
- Chancellor’s Distinguished Research Award in 2008
- Senior Scientist Award from the Americas Chapter of TERMIS in 2012.
Dr. Badylak holds over 50 U.S. patents, 200 patents worldwide, and has authored more than 275 scientific publications and 30 book chapters. He has served as the Chair of the Study Section for the Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and as chair of the Bioengineering, Technology, and Surgical Sciences (BTSS) Study Section at NIH. He is also a member of the College of Scientific Reviewers for NIH, and has either chaired or been a member of the Scientific Advisory Board to several major medical device companies.
Dr. Badylak graduated with highest honors with a M.D. from Indiana University Medical School and he received his Ph.D. in Anatomic Pathology from Purdue University, an M.S. in Clinical Pathology from Purdue University, and his D.V.M. from Purdue University.
Video about Dr. Badylak: